Yards per Scramble Attempt Calculator

Definition of Yards per Scramble Attempt Calculator:
Yards per Scramble Attempt measures the average yardage a quarterback gains when scrambling beyond the line of scrimmage, calculated as total scramble yards divided by the number of scramble attempts.
The result is:

What is the yards per scramble attempt for a quarterback who has gained 200 yards on 30 scramble attempts?

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Formula Explanation of Yards per Scramble Attempt Calculator:
The formula for calculating Yards per Scramble Attempt is: Total Scramble Yards / Number of Scramble Attempts. This formula provides the average number of yards a quarterback gains each time they scramble.
Detailed Explanation of Yards per Scramble Attempt Calculator:
Yards per Scramble Attempt provides insight into a quarterback's effectiveness when plays break down and they need to run. It's a measure of both athleticism and decision-making under pressure. A high average can indicate a quarterback who is not only mobile but also makes good decisions about when to run and how to navigate the field. This stat is particularly relevant for evaluating dual-threat quarterbacks or those in offenses that incorporate designed quarterback runs.
Importance of Yards per Scramble Attempt Calculator:
This stat is crucial for understanding a quarterback's ability to create plays with their legs. A high Yards per Scramble Attempt can indicate a quarterback who adds an extra dimension to the offense, keeping defenses honest and potentially turning broken plays into positive gains. It's particularly valuable in evaluating a quarterback's ability to extend drives and create big plays in crucial situations.
Historical Use of Yards per Scramble Attempt Calculator:
Yards per Scramble Attempt has gained importance in recent years as quarterback mobility has become increasingly valued in the NFL.
Historical Context:
As the NFL has evolved to incorporate more mobile quarterbacks and spread offensive concepts, the value of quarterback scrambling ability has increased. This stat has become more relevant in evaluating overall quarterback effectiveness.
Limitations of Yards per Scramble Attempt Calculator:
This stat doesn't account for the context of the scrambles (e.g., down and distance, game situation) or differentiate between planned runs and improvised scrambles. It also doesn't consider scrambles that result in passes.
Example of Yards per Scramble Attempt Calculator:
If a quarterback gains 200 yards on 30 scramble attempts, their Yards per Scramble Attempt would be calculated as follows: 200 / 30 = 6.67 yards per scramble.
Famous Examples of Yards per Scramble Attempt Calculator:
While specific records for Yards per Scramble Attempt aren't widely publicized, quarterbacks like Lamar Jackson, Kyler Murray, and Russell Wilson are known for their high efficiency when scrambling.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is considered a good Yards per Scramble Attempt in the NFL?
In the NFL, a Yards per Scramble Attempt of 5-6 yards is generally considered good, while anything above 7 yards is excellent. However, this can vary based on the frequency of scrambles and the quarterback's overall role in the offense.
How does Yards per Scramble Attempt relate to other quarterback stats?
Yards per Scramble Attempt should be considered alongside passing stats to get a full picture of a quarterback's effectiveness. A high scramble average can complement efficient passing, making a quarterback more difficult to defend.
Can a low Yards per Scramble Attempt still indicate an effective quarterback?
Yes, many successful quarterbacks have low scramble averages, especially if they primarily scramble in short-yardage situations or prefer to extend plays to pass rather than run.
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Sources Used:
NFL Next Gen Stats
Advanced NFL Rushing Stats
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Pro Football Reference
Historical NFL Statistics
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