Isolated Power (ISO) Calculator
Definition of Isolated Power (ISO):
Isolated Power (ISO) is a statistical measure used in baseball to evaluate a player's power. It is calculated by subtracting the player's batting average from their slugging percentage.
The result is:
What is the isolated power of a player with 3 hits in 6 at bats, with 1 singles, 1 doubles, 1 triples, and 1 home runs?
Formula Explanation:
The formula for calculating ISO is: SLG - AVG. SLG is calculated as (singles + (2 * doubles) + (3 * triples) + (4 * homeRuns)) / atBats. AVG is calculated as hits / atBats. This formula essentially measures a player's raw power, or their ability to hit for extra bases.
Detailed Explanation:
ISO is a measure of a player's extra bases per at bat, calculated as slugging percentage minus batting average. This means that ISO rewards players for hitting doubles, triples, and home runs, rather than just singles.
ISO is an important statistic in baseball as it is a key component of many other statistics, such as slugging percentage and OPS. A high ISO means a player is not only getting hits, but they are getting hits that allow them to advance multiple bases.
Historical Use:
Isolated Power (ISO) has been used as an official MLB statistic since the 1980s. It is a measure of a batter's raw power, that is, their ability to hit for extra bases.
Historical Context:
ISO has been used in baseball since the 1980s and is a measure of a batter's power-hitting ability.
While ISO is a useful statistic, it does not take into account other aspects of a player's offensive performance, such as their ability to get on base.
If a player has 3 hits in 6 at bats, with 1 single, 1 double, 1 triple, and 1 home run, their ISO would be calculated as follows: ((1 (singles) + (2 * 1 (doubles)) + (3 * 1 (triples)) + (4 * 1 (homeRuns))) / 6 (atBats)) - (3 (hits) / 6 (atBats)).
Famous Examples:
Barry Bonds holds the record for the highest single-season ISO at .536 in 2001. Babe Ruth holds the record for the highest career ISO at .348.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is a good ISO?
In professional baseball, an ISO of .140 or above is generally considered above average.
Why is ISO important?
ISO is important because it measures a player's power-hitting ability. The more extra bases a player can hit, the more they can contribute to their team's offense.
Who has the highest career ISO?
Babe Ruth holds the record for the highest career ISO at .348.
Isolated Power (ISO)

At Bats
Home Runs
What is the isolated power of a player with 3 hits in 6 at bats, with 1 singles, 1 doubles, 1 triples, and 1 home runs?
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