Fielding Independent Pitching (FIP) Calculator
Definition of Fielding Independent Pitching (FIP):
Fielding Independent Pitching (FIP) is a measure of all those things for which a pitcher is specifically responsible. The formula is ((13*HR)+(3*(BB+HBP))-(2*K))/IP + constant. The constant is set so that the league average FIP is the same as the league average ERA.
The result is:
What is the FIP of a pitcher with 1 home runs, 2 walks, ... hit by pitches, 6 strikeouts in 6 innings pitched, given league totals of 4 ERA, 5000 home runs, 15000 walks, 1000 hit by pitches, 30000 strikeouts, and 40000 innings pitched?
Formula Explanation:
The formula for calculating FIP is: ((13*HR)+(3*(BB+HBP))-(2*K))/IP + constant. The constant is calculated as lgERA - (((13*lgHR)+(3*(lgBB+lgHBP))-(2*lgK))/lgIP). This formula essentially measures what a player’s ERA would look like over a given period of time if the pitcher were to have experienced league average results on balls in play and league average timing.
Detailed Explanation:
FIP is a measure of the events a pitcher has the most control over - strikeouts, unintentional walks, hit-by-pitches, and home runs. It entirely removes the results on balls hit into the field of play. For both pitchers and hitters, FIP is on the same scale as ERA.
FIP is an important statistic in baseball as it is a key component of many other statistics and is a primary measure of a pitcher's effectiveness that does not involve fielders.
Historical Use:
Fielding Independent Pitching (FIP) has been used as an official MLB statistic since the early days of professional baseball. It is a measure of a pitcher's effectiveness at preventing HR, BB, HBP and causing SO.
Historical Context:
FIP has been used in baseball since the 19th century and is a measure of a pitcher's effectiveness that does not involve fielders.
While FIP is a useful statistic, it does not take into account the quality of the opposing hitters, which can significantly affect the number of home runs, walks, hit by pitches, and strikeouts.
If a pitcher has 1 home run, 2 walks, 0 hit by pitches, 6 strikeouts in 6 innings pitched, and the league totals are 4.00 ERA, 5000 home runs, 15000 walks, 1000 hit by pitches, 30000 strikeouts, and 40000 innings pitched, their FIP would be calculated using the formula.
Famous Examples:
Clayton Kershaw in his 2014 season had a FIP of 1.81, which led the major leagues.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is a good FIP?
In professional baseball, a FIP under 3.00 is generally considered good, and a FIP under 2.00 is considered excellent.
Why is FIP important?
FIP is important because it measures a pitcher's effectiveness at preventing HR, BB, HBP and causing SO, which are the events a pitcher has the most control over.
Who has the lowest single-season FIP?
Clayton Kershaw holds the record for the lowest single-season FIP at 1.81 in 2014.
Fielding Independent Pitching (FIP)

Home Runs
Hit By Pitch
Innings Pitched
League ERA
League Home Runs
League Walks
League Hit By Pitch
League Strikeouts
League Innings Pitched
What is the FIP of a pitcher with 1 home runs, 2 walks, ... hit by pitches, 6 strikeouts in 6 innings pitched, given league totals of 4 ERA, 5000 home runs, 15000 walks, 1000 hit by pitches, 30000 strikeouts, and 40000 innings pitched?
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