Adjusted Batting Wins Calculator
Definition of Adjusted Batting Wins:
Adjusted Batting Wins is a statistic in baseball that measures the number of wins a batter contributes to their team compared to the league average batter, adjusted for ballpark factors.
The result is:
What is the Adjusted Batting Wins of a player with 30 adjusted batting runs and 10 runs per win?
Formula Explanation:
The formula for calculating Adjusted Batting Wins is: Adjusted Batting Runs / Runs per Win. This formula essentially measures a batter's effectiveness in contributing to team wins relative to the league average.
Detailed Explanation:
Adjusted Batting Wins is a measure of a batter's effectiveness in contributing to team wins when adjusted for ballpark and league factors, calculated as Adjusted Batting Runs / Runs per Win. This means that Adjusted Batting Wins rewards batters for contributing more to team wins than the league average.
Adjusted Batting Wins is an important statistic in baseball as it is a key component of many other statistics and is a primary measure of a batter's effectiveness. A high Adjusted Batting Wins means a batter is contributing more to team wins, which gives their team a better chance to win.
Historical Use:
Adjusted Batting Wins has been used as an official MLB statistic since the early days of professional baseball. It is a measure of a batter's effectiveness.
Historical Context:
Adjusted Batting Wins has been used in baseball since the 19th century and is a measure of a batter's effectiveness.
While Adjusted Batting Wins is a useful statistic, it does not take into account the context of the game, such as the score, inning, or importance of the game.
If a player has 30 adjusted batting runs and the league average is 10 runs per win, their Adjusted Batting Wins would be calculated as follows: 30 (adjusted batting runs) / 10 (runs per win).
Famous Examples:
Barry Bonds holds the record for the highest single-season Adjusted Batting Wins at 11.4 in two separate seasons in 2001 and 2002.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is a good Adjusted Batting Wins?
In professional baseball, a Adjusted Batting Wins over 0 is considered above average, and a Adjusted Batting Wins over 3 is considered excellent.
Why is Adjusted Batting Wins important?
Adjusted Batting Wins is important because it measures a batter's effectiveness in contributing to team wins, which is the primary goal of a batter.
Who has the highest single-season Adjusted Batting Wins?
Barry Bonds holds the record for the highest single-season Adjusted Batting Wins at 11.4 in both 2001 and 2002.
Adjusted Batting Wins

Adjusted Batting Runs
Runs per Win
What is the Adjusted Batting Wins of a player with 30 adjusted batting runs and 10 runs per win?
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